Monday, January 7, 2013

New Years Resolutions

I have several resolutions for this year, and they cover several aspects of my life.  I know many people are bitter about new years resolutions, but I've found it useful personally.  I guess I need the yearly reevaluation to make my goals reasonable. 

1)  Health:  I am fairly healthy, certainly much more healthy than I was this time last year.  Still I have some improvements to make.  After last years success, I will continue with my strategy, and make hard and fast goals for fitness, and soft and flexible rules for diet.
  • Eat LESS sugar and carbs, MORE fruits and veggies.  Fruits and veggies don't count as carbs, and I'm actually not interested in following a low carb diet, I just want to ward of the diabetes as long as possible (genetics are stacked against me)
  • Monitor my weight and see to it that I loose 10 pounds in the next six months (this is not a hard goal, since 10 pounds in half a year is achievable by nearly imperceptible dietary changes. )
  • Run around the track three times without stopping.   This is a fixed goal.  I can make it around once comfortably now.  I am pretty sure the track is a bit less than half a mile long, but I don't really think it matters, I'd rather measure in times around.  It definitely helped last year to not have to worry about measuring out a run or remember numbers, I just knew exactly how close I was to making it once around. 
2) Personal Development:  I will find a job.  I know it seems impossible, but I will.  It might not be what I want to do or what I'm qualified for, but my savings are running out, and I have to keep my family self sufficient.  I know this goal seems meager, but in this economy I think it makes sense not to overshoot.  If that means pumping gas or sorting mail, I will not be ashamed.

3) Friends and Family: 
  • I will pay more attention to making my children and spouse feel appreciated.  In particular, I will make sure that my personal crisis of work and career doesn't harm my otherwise happy and chronically supportive wife. 
  • I will spend more time listening, and I will be sure to lecture less
  • I will invite for every invitation I receive. 
4) Happiness:  While I'm unemployed, I'll keep myself worthwhile...
  • Tend the garden
  • Organize the house
  • Cook the food.

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